Guardian Angels
Spiritual Help

7 Powerful Ways to Speak with Your Guardian Angels

Matthew 18:10 urges us, “Beware that you don’t look down on any of these little ones.  For I tell you that in heaven, their angels are always in the presence of my Heavenly Father.”  This is one of the most powerful Biblical passage when it comes to guardian angels.  Scripture instructs us that guardian angels protect men, institutions, cities, and cultures.  Unfortunately, time has warped our perspective to see them as only being able to bring us special advantages.  The truth is our guardian angels serve as guides for us to navigate our spiritual obstacles.  God speaks through the angels to empower us to discover our spiritual purpose.  Through God’s love our angels have been sent to protect every human through all material and spiritual hazards.  If you are looking to improve communication with your guardian angels, here are seven tips you begin using immediately.

Discover your angels

Before you can contact and communicate with your angels, you must first locate them and learn their names.  Then you can identify their unique powers and how they can impact your life.  If you are looking to work with a specific angel, you must first learn all you can about them.  Only then can you begin to look for the signs.  You may notice certain names or symbols that constantly repeat.  Frequently seeing the name Raphael, may mean your guardian angel’s name is Raphael and will help you with healing spiritual, physical and mental hardship.

Invite them into your life

Build your relationship by creating space for them in your daily life.  A great place to start is inviting them to join you on a walk outdoors.  You can choose to talk either externally or internal along the journey, or simply encourage your mind to open and be receptive to any messages.  Pay special attentions to signs and patterns during your walks like finding coins, feathers, or special sounds or smells.


Find a quiet privacy space and take deep cleansing breaths.  Close your eyes, but open your mind.  Try not to think of anything specific, but maintain your diaphragmic breathing.  If something enters your mind, notice it, and then let it go.

Write to your angel

Share key situations or issues you are dealing with in the moment with your angel.  This will help you gain needed clarity and peace about the situation.  As you better understand the issue, you can become more specific with the type of help that you need from your angel.  Record your experiences in a journal.  Make sure to include all the ways you angel is providing you aid and insight.  It will also bring them great joy if you include passages about the beauty they have brought into your days.

Talk to them freely

Angels want you to speak with them.  You don’t have to be formal, but focus on a personal and direct dialogue.  Share your spirit’s truest feelings or goals like you are communing with a dear friend over a latte.  Tell your angel how much you love them and value their presence in your life.  When you need help, speak their name and then pay attention to how they response.  Remember, your angel is always here for you and loves you unconditionally.

Set aside time for them

Allocate daily or weekly time to reconnect with your angel.  A perfect time is during your meditative practice.  This calming state will allow them to better send you vital messages.  Its important that you create time for your angel apart from the times you are asking for their help.

Trust your gut

Intuition is a spiritual muscle.  It requires ample exercise to grow stronger or risks becoming atrophied.  Both humans and angels have been blessed with intuitive skills.  You simply need to welcome divine guidance into your life, be direct with your needs and love, and always remain open to angelic signs.  Building your relationship with angels will help both of your intuitive skills with each other and your guardian angels can even send you signs to confirm your intuitive instincts.

Angels are happy to do impactful, albeit unseen, work.  God performs many miracles each day with the help of angels.  They protect us from danger and infuse our lives with love and hope.  Don’t waste another moment and discover your angels today.

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