People want to connect in ways beyond what the earth can give them. They want to be able to feel something new and to feel things in their life. There is a spiritual side to everyone, and some people pursue it while others let it go.
One thing that you can do in order to increase your spiritual path is to embrace your life and what it means to you. Look at the things in your life that you often think about. Are they tense? If there is something that you want to change, what would it be?
How Committed are You?
Which one of these bests fit how committed you are?
You love to talk to people about what life holds and you love to use your senses. You don’t want people to tell you what to do in y9oru spiritual journey, but you want to be enlightened.
If you are interested, then you are wanting to have answers to the purpose in your life. You want to know things and you want someone that can come and give you the answers you seek.
You are committed to know more things and you spend time during the week seeking answers and finding the meaning to your life.
You want to meet people that will make a difference in who you are and what you want to be.
You feel that the world is full of lost people and you want to know about peace in your life. You feel that your spiritual being is part of the universe and that everything including your social life embarks on that.
You have people that accept you and speak truth to you and you have faith to believe in yourself and the enlightenment process.
You don’t just study things, but you actually believe them. You know that you have changed and that you are not the same person that you were before. You devote your time to change, and you believe in action.
You have people in your life that you want to see saved and you want to help find their purpose and their spiritual path.
People have different values, and you need to know what values and choices that you make in your life.
Connecting Culturally
Do you have faith that you can worship with your family and different people but now you are seeking new answers?
You find that you are seeking a spiritual awakening and you are curious about what is going on around you. You pursue different things, but you don’t want to let go of the spiritual path that you are already on.
You feel that you have to have peace in your life, and you make rules and boundaries according to your faith. You see that you do not have a problem, but you need to get rid of things like pleasurable things in your life.
You feel that you are the beginning of your spiritual growth and then you want your family and your extended family to be a part. You also want to reach out to others and so you do things such as take classes or expand your social network.
You need to grow spiritual and expand who you are. You meditate and connect with the universe so that you can understand things such as astrology. You use tarot cards and other tools of divination to try to change things and learn new things.
Once you understand your commitment level and your values, you can figure out who you are and what things you need to change in order to be the best that you can be.
Reach your needs and find things that give you peace.
*yawn* This article is just more of the same old spiritual jargon. Can’t we come up with something more original than these tired categories? How about some real depth instead?
Honestly, this feels like a self-help manual disguised as an article. It oversimplifies the journey of spirituality and sounds like something you’d read in a cheap pamphlet.
“Embrace your life” sounds great in theory, but it oversimplifies the struggle many face in finding meaning. Not everyone has the luxury to pursue spirituality when they’re just trying to get by day-to-day.
“Finding peace” as a goal is commendable, but it shouldn’t ignore the realities of life’s challenges that many people face daily.
“People want to connect in ways beyond what the earth can give them”—what does that even mean? Sounds like a new-age buzzword salad with no real substance behind it.
“New-age buzzword salad”—now that’s a phrase I’d never thought I’d read! But seriously, if it’s so hard to grasp, how can we expect anyone else to take it seriously?
The idea of connecting with the universe is interesting, but I think we should also be cautious not to get too lost in abstract concepts without grounding ourselves in reality.
If only finding peace was as easy as reading an article! The complexities of life often make these suggestions feel like wishful thinking at best.
This article provides an interesting roadmap for those interested in spiritual growth. Understanding where one stands can indeed motivate change and exploration.
Exactly! It’s all about self-awareness and taking that first step towards enlightenment.
While I appreciate the positive spin, I think the ideas presented here are overly simplistic. Spirituality isn’t just about commitment levels; it’s deeply personal and complex.
I found this really enlightening! The concept of different commitment levels resonates with me, and it makes sense to evaluate where we stand in our spiritual journeys.
@Mrobinson, your enthusiasm is great! But I can’t help but wonder if this emphasis on ‘levels’ is just another way to categorize people unnecessarily.
@Martin Florence, I agree! It seems like trying to fit everyone into boxes that don’t account for individual experiences is counterproductive.
I agree with Isabelle! Spirituality can’t just be boxed into categories. Everyone has their unique path, and we should respect that instead of trying to fit them into predefined boxes.