Connection to the Universe
Spiritual Help

Are You Missing Your Universe Messages?

No one likes to miss a message. You’ve, no doubt, been disappointed to see that you missed a phone call from an old friend. Many constantly check texts, phone messages, and emails to make sure all are accounted for. We get upset if we miss an important one.

Yet, many people miss messages from God all the time. There are subtle hints He sends through the universe to get our attention, to validate what we are doing, or to try to get us back on track. How many have you missed?

Catching these clues will help us make better decisions or feel better about the decisions we make. They help us as we navigate through life. It takes some practice to recognize them.

How to See Your Messages

There are things you can do to retrieve all of the messages God is trying to send you. Here are some basic ways you can be more attuned to what God and the Universe are trying to tell you.

Learn to Be Open

Most people are so cynical they find absolute logic to everything. That means they miss messages because it’s “just coincidence” or “it means nothing.” You should be discerning and not believe everything to be a message, but also be open to the possibility that God wants to let you know what work you should do for the day.

Learn to Pay Attention

So many people are staring at their phones. They never look up to see the world all around them. Paying attention to your reality will bring it into focus and help you see messages.

Quit rushing through life. Yes, there is a lot to do, but what’s the point of the destination if you don’t enjoy the trip?

Develop Your Prayerful Listening

Some people call this sensitivity, and it is, but it’s more than that. It’s being able to hear your inner voice, which is the Holy Spirit, guiding you and telling you what to do.

Many people chalk this up as “crazy talk.” Yet, some have written books that state we all have this ability, and it could be enormously helpful in gaining opportunity, finding love, and keeping you safe.

Pay Attention to Patterns

God loves patterns. They’re something you should pay attention to in your life. A consistent pattern indicates something you should do or be involved in. That could be anything from the same company name showing up or running into the same person repeatedly.

A Connection to the Universe

Realize that we are all eternal creatures, so we have an automatic connection to the universe. All we have to do is start activating that connection to learn how to live in the flow of our lives.

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  1. While I appreciate the effort behind this article, I can’t help but think it’s oversimplifying a complex relationship with faith and spirituality. Messages from God are not always clear-cut or easy to interpret.

    1. I see your point, but isn’t that part of the beauty? The ambiguity allows for personal interpretation and growth in one’s faith journey.

  2. Miller Isobel says:

    Honestly, this is just another example of wishful thinking dressed up as wisdom. The idea that God sends us messages is subjective and lacks concrete evidence. We need more rational thinking in spirituality.

  3. Sophie Roberts says:

    Right? Maybe next they’ll tell us how to decode extraterrestrial signals too! Let’s keep it grounded, folks!

  4. Stephanie Stevens says:

    ‘Learn to be open’—this advice could apply to so many areas of life beyond spirituality! If only more people realized how much they miss by being closed-minded. Let’s embrace possibilities, not just facts!

    1. Sure, but let’s not forget that some things are just coincidences! Over-analyzing every little event might just drive us crazy!

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