How to know whether your premonitions are true

How to know whether your premonitions are true

Several individuals experience both ordinary and life-changing premonitions.  A week before the World Trade Towers attack, I dreamt I was in the building rushing about looking for an escape route. People were rushing all over trying to escape. The dream was true. I have come to link it up with prophetic dreams. Other premonitions are …

How do you know that you have Clairsentience or “clear feeling’?

How do you know that you have Clairsentience or “clear feeling’?

Have you ever had a feeling which later turned out to be true? Like losing something and give up looking for it then you instantly remember where it is? It has always been said that everyone possesses psychic abilities. Each individual has a sixth sense, which is intuition or a higher level of perception. Some …

How psychic readings are made possible by psychic energy

How psychic readings are made possible by psychic energy

Energy is defined scientifically as precise measurable quantities or units of energy. For examples, energy can be measured in joules, calories, horsepower per hour just to name a few. On the other hand, psychic energy can’t be measured.  It doesn’t come in units, as there is no device that can be used to measure it. …

Compelling Reasons to Get a Psychic Reading

4 Compelling Reasons to Get a Psychic Reading

In case you’re searching for understanding or direction into the manner in which your life is unfolding, you can easily discover answers: you simply need a psychic reading. When you’re feeling lost or loose throughout everyday life, a psychic reading can give clarity and course. In contrast to what many believe, psychic readings aren’t only …

Spend your time with people that make you happy

Spend your time with people that make you happy

Although I’m not an extrovert person, spending time with people I enjoy really fuels my energy ad makes me happy. When you find people in your life who “enjoy you,” it’s important to hold them and never let go. I’m grateful that I still have great friends from childhood even though we don’t see each …