Is It Possible to Only Be Friends with Your Twin Flame?
Love Help and Psychic Readings

Is It Possible to Only Be Friends with Your Twin Flame?

We hear so much about Twin Flames and romance, but could your Twin Flame come in the form of a non-romantic relationship? This is extraordinarily rare as Twin Flame connections are passionate and rooted in mutual attraction.  The sole exception occurs when you are a part of multiple Flame Set.  This happens in roughly 1% …

5 Steps to Unlock Your Feminine Energy
Spiritual Help

5 Steps to Unlock Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is misunderstood in the Western world. It has gotten confusing over the past few decades with the women’s liberation movement, then the conservative women’s movement, both of which were forerunners to the millennial naturalist movement. Feminine energy isn’t about wearing makeup or dressing in designer clothes. It also isn’t about being weak or …

Nine Sure Signs You’ve Met Your Soulmate
Love Help and Psychic Readings

Nine Sure Signs You’ve Met Your Soulmate

A soulmate is truly your other half, somebody with whom you’re deeply and spiritually intertwined. In modern times, most people assume that a soulmate is a romantic partner. But soulmates can also be a family member or friend. Your soulmate is that one person who knows you better than anybody else does, somebody you bond …